I don’t think I use it a lot but maybe sometimes. (I do have a dog too but he’s more like my mum’s baby, my brother! :D) I do not but I used to have a pet hedgehog if that counts. I don’t remember exactly when but maybe around a month ago. I have another name that is indirectly after a relative. My parents chose my first name by going through the alphabet and picking one they liked, so they were kinda running out of options by the time they got to mine. I was tagged by a few people but it’s been quite a while so I’m not sure who they all were anymore (I also noticed that I don’t always get a notification for tags, and only realised I was tagged was because I saw the post in my feed - what’s up with that?) but anyway I am grateful for being included and I really enjoyed reading everyone’s posts and getting to know you guys better <3